Memorial Day 5k, West Chester, PA

By Christopher | May 14, 2010

Back in 2006, I spent a long, hot day and night in the Vermont woods with Billy Bonehead as we crewed for Jenn Shelton in the Vermont 100. One of the best parts of that race (apart from running under the stars with Bonehead and Brujita for the last 25-plus miles) was vagabonding from aid…

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“What the heck happened to his ear?”

By Christopher | May 14, 2010

While watching this video of Barefoot Tim doing his thing, I was struck by the way he embodied Coach Eric Orton’s observation that Tarahumara runners move down-and-up, not up-and-down like the rest of us. I was keeping an eye on Tim’s ear at the top of the frame to check this out. All of a…

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Yijoo Kwon, super stud

By Christopher | May 13, 2010

In 1996, Yijoo Kwon faced a choice: get in shape, get injections, or die. He was 50 years old and had just been diagnosed with diabetes. But rather than opting for insulin injections, Yijoo began running. At an age when most men are giving up on exercise, Yijoo rapidly trimmed off weight, got his blood…

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“Born to Run” on Jeopardy

By Christopher | February 11, 2010

Luckily, a stunned friend was quick enough to grab a photo when this clue flashed on the screen Wednesday night on “Jeopardy.” The contestant nailed it, too.

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Menstrual-controlled running shoes, new from Asics.

By Christopher | February 11, 2010

No, seriously. I only wish I were kidding. Just when you thought the shamelessness of running-shoe scams had reached bottom, whaddaya know — they find new depths to the cesspool. Asics is kindly offering to sell you a $190 running shoe that will magically adjust its midsole to your menstrual cycle. Read on, and marvel…

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Who needs speed?

By Christopher | February 7, 2010

In “Born to Run,” I explore the idea that the reason we gather by the tens of thousands to run 26.2 miles through city streets isn’t to survive the experience, but to share it… Excerpted from “Born to Run”: The reason we race isn’t so much to beat each other, he understood, but to be…

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The Mafia Business Model

By Christopher | February 7, 2010

A few months ago, I wrote an article for Southwest Airlines in-flight magazine about the opportunity that natural running presented to running-shoe retailers. The only reason these stores exist is because the owners position themselves as experts. Now that it’s becoming clear that the torque and excess cushioning in modern running shoes are harmful, what…

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“But what about glass?”

By Christopher | February 6, 2010

Will the barefoot runner who has ever sliced his or her foot on a piece of glass please stand up? If you’re able, of course. Because I’d love to meet you, mysterious and mythical stranger that you are. Anyone who runs without shoes is constantly asked about All That Dangerous Glass Out There! Take this…

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Round 2 with Runcolo…

By Christopher | February 5, 2010

Run Colorado, the remarkably energetic and inquisitive running blog, was one of the first media outlets to take a look at Born to Run and ask some smart questions. Now, Simon is back for more. He’s been picking up on some barefooting backlash and decided to separate the heat from the light.

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Chia fever

By Christopher | February 2, 2010

the huffington post, oddly, today had one of the best discussion i’ve come across on chia, the teeny tarahumara wonder food.

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