From Reader Larry
I read your book Born To Run. Because of you, I feel like I have my life back again. I was a marathoner for 20 years, and then in my mid 30’s I ran into a wall of injuries, to the point where at 42, I never thought I would be able to run ever again. Running was my true love.
After reading your book, I am back baby!! Wow, I feel alive again. I have been running for the past 6 weeks not only injury free, but pain free, and enjoying every stride. I seriously cannot thank you enough!!! The most influential and inspiring book to date that I have read in my life. No joke.
My next step is to mix in some barefoot running, which I haven’t done yet, and eventually run marathons again, and hopefully one day an ultra. Who knows, maybe I’ll be fortunate enough one day to run into you or BFT, no pun intended. LOL